In May 2022, Highland Park ISD announced the district's Literacy Framework would be rewritten and Lucy Calkins' Units of Study would be removed from classrooms as of August of 2022. The HPLC Parent Leaders and Educational Advisory Team are continuing to work with Highland Park ISD trustees and administrators to support them as they transition to literacy instruction based on the Science of Reading. Parents and community members are encouraged to attend HPISD Board meetings and familiarize themselves with the new literacy resources available to parents, the NEW Literacy Framework and the ELA Family Curriculum Guide.
While much of the work is completed, the HPLC will continue to monitor literacy in HPISD and will update this website and send emails as needed.
Read past updates and newsletters by clicking the dates below:
9/20/22, 6/23/22, 6/15/22, 5/20/22, 5/16/22, 4/21/22, 4/14/22, 3/31/22, 3/30/22, 3/22/22, 3/8/22, 3/4/22, 2/24/22, 2/15/22, 2/11/22, 1/17/22, 1/13/22
Open Letter to HPISD Board and Administration.
In March, the literacy subcommittee made a recommendation to phase out Lucy Calkins Units of Study in grades K-8, engage an outside consultant to guide HPISD’s transition to align instruction with the Science of Reading, and to update the district’s literacy framework. Click here for the ELA subcommittee's overview
The board voted to approve this recommendation at its monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 19 at 5:30pm and in May it was announced that Lucy Calkins' Units of Study and related materials would not be returning to classrooms for the 2022-2023 school year.
Contact District Leaders
Anyone with questions, concerns, or requests regarding literacy in HPISD is encouraged to contact the following:
HPISD Principals, Instructional Coaches, and ELA Teachers
Superintendent and Trustees - triggt@hpisd.org, sharpet@hpisd.org, kellys@hpisd.org, ellisj@hpisd.org, leee@hpisd.org, woodwad@hpisd.org, bonfiem@hpisd.org, and bensonb@hpisd.org
Stay Updated
Subscribe to email updates from the HP Literacy Coalition HERE. Also, feel free to reach out to the parent leaders or contact us.
Community Meeting Resources
On March 7th, many community members joined together to discuss literacy. For those that missed the meeting, links to the presentation and handouts can be found below: